Electronics giant Samsung may have decided that it is qualified to enter the electric car arena, and it may well be. The South Korean smartphone, TV, camera, laptop, etc leader (which is actually South Korea’s largest conglomerate) has apparently filed several patents connected to electric cars.
Samsung has told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that it doesn’t intend to enter the electric car market, but the WSJ found that “Samsung Electronics Co.’s patent applications in the U.S. and South Korea this year cover parts and technology that could be used in electric vehicles.”
In the patent applications published through the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office as well as the Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information Service, Samsung submitted applications for new technologies needed in making auto parts that can be used in electric vehicles. These cover technology patents for tires, motors, as well as on-board electronics for information sharing between the car and driver.
If Samsung’s batteries are good enough for Tesla and BMW, they’re good enough for anyone, and Samsung could perhaps make even more cash off of its product by developing its own electric cars. With the brand’s consumer reputation, I think the company could do well. I’m sure Samsung doesn’t care, but I’d recommend that it jump into the electric car arena! :D
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