Access all blocked websites

Access blocked websites using the following tips..

  • Step 1: For exemple if is blocked.
    just add 'S' after http ie(
  • Step 2: Changing of Proxies using proxy providing websites like
  • Step 3: Using of IP addres instead of url
    Go to CMD(command prompt) and type ping it will return a IP addres use that directly into your browser ex:(
  • Step 4: use Google Cache
    Search engines like Google and Yahoo cache webpages and these cached pages are stored in search engines themselves, which likely will be added to the blocked list. Click on the ‘cache’ will bring you to a cache version of the page, as updated as how Google caches it. google cache
  • Step 5:use Internet Archive – Wayback Machine
    Wayback Machine is a internet service that periodically keeps a copy of almost all websites in the Internet way from the date they’re started. Clicking on the latest copy of what Wayback Machine have should be somewhat similar to the real site. Another way to access blocked sites via caches. Click here->Way back machine.
  • Step 6: Using Translators example GOOGLE TRANSLATE
    If not works just translate it in some other language Click the link in box to view translated web page.

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